MZW Ambassador

 Strong Body   Balanced Mind   Fearless Heart



 Strong Body   Balanced Mind   Fearless Heart

Call Now For a complimentary Class or consultation at 267-254-7668

Sifu Moy Do Lai Sa


I am originally from Pennsylvania and have four siblings. I was a competitive dancer in my younger years. Was provided with a supportive environment to live life from her heart.

Countries Explored:

Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Indonesia, Serbia, India, Italy, Hungary, Switzerland, Thailand & all throughout the United States.

Life's Primary Focus:

Spiritual sojourn, martial art & yoga practice, the pursuit of knowledge, truth & divine love, sharing in order to fill lives with wisdom & joy.

Greatest Challenges:

I have undergone 10 operations for a debilitating disease, have had some brutally traumatic life occurrences, and lost my mother.

Rare Experiences:

I have been living like a kung fu monk for over a decade and I am the First American Female Ving Tsun Sifu (teacher).

Most Influential Teachers:

Babaji, Ving Tsun Grandmaster Moyyat, Ving Tsun Master Leo Imamura, Ving Tsun Master Pete Pajil, Zhander Remete, Duncan Wong, Dharma Mittra, Teachers at Kula Yoga (NYC), a homeless person in Virginia who shared with me that all the nutrition we need is in a blade of grass, and my students

Related Areas of Study:

Chinese massage, Reiki, Bharatnatyam (traditional Indian dance), Ayurveda & Chi Gong.


I like teaching, global travel, zen lifestyle, vegetarian cuisine, being a rogue adventurer, working out, spending time with those I love, chocolate, the ocean, being in nature, tribal music, fashion, the far east, African culture, and BEING FEMININE.

Inspired By:

My mother, my spiritual guru, my closest friends, all my teachers past & present, my students and children from 3rd world countries.


To reach Nirvana, to continue global traveling, to spend time with my guru annually, to live with love, truth & compassion, to release all judgment, make a difference, and to be me.


Adventurous, intense, relaxed, observant, has a desire to share, committed, inquisitive, curious, forthcoming/direct, feminine, and best with human frailties. Pioneer spirited, goddess-warrior, samurai spirit.

Call Now For a complimentary Class or consultation at 267-254-7668

Focus and concentration are essential when walking towards mastery

Sifu Moy Do Lai Sa

Walking on the edge is the only place where profound growth lies

Sifu Moy Do Lai Sa

Freedom and peace are experienced when you understand and live your true nature

Sifu Moy Do Lai Sa