Leadership Program

 Strong Body   Balanced Mind   Fearless Heart

Call Now For a free Trial Class or consultation at 267-254-7668

Taiyo Skochko

Taiyo is a student who brings a fresh set of eyes when given a task. He finds unique solutions, and carries a joyous energy. He also has a bright, vivid passion for soccer.

Taiyo began his training at a young age, and every year he gets stronger, wiser, and especially courageous by leaps and bounds.

His mother lives overseas, in Japan, and every summer he visits her with his father and brother. Before his training, he was asked if he felt he could travel the plane himself with help from airport staff, to which he said he couldn’t.

The summer of 2022, Taiyo took that flight all by himself- because he grew in his confidence and courage from his practice.


What has been your Leadership experience?

Taiyo’s very good working with beginner students one-on-one, he engages them positively and energetically, inspiring them in the physical engagements to do more.

Taiyo Skochko

Call Now For a free Trial Class or consultation at 267-254-7668