Most Traditional Chinese Medicine doctors (TCM – a traditional medical system based on more than 2500 years of Chinese medical practices) would not recommend drinking a cool smoothie as a warming nutrient source during the winter season. On the other hand, TCM lays importance on lifestyle choices and nutrition.  During the Winter months where do we find the balance using Eastern TCM knowledge while maintaining a nutritionally fortified diet that compliments our fast paced and jammed packed schedules indicative of our Western lifestyle?

If we rigidly adhere to TCM philosophy of cooking all our meals in the colder months without considering our personal lifestyle it could induce stressful tendencies. Both MZW and TCM agree balance and adaptation are key to reducing stressful conditions. Our MWZ Winter Smoothie resources the intelligence of TCM by using many warming ingredients (see ingredient list below) while at the same time adapts to our fast paced Western culture, and lifestyle.

Making a nutritionally dense smoothie makes us feel good because we’re giving attention to leading a healthy lifestyle. They’re a quick and easy way to get a chock full of nutrient value, a perfect compliment for overflowing obligations, activities and schedules. This nutritionally packed drink can equal a full day of our veggie and or fruit quota in under 10 minutes.  Minimalist enthusiasts love the simplistic process and robust quality that smoothies offer.

Eating fresh whole foods free from chemicals and preservatives are full of vital energy, Qi (Chi) and is the basis of healthy eating and living. The MZW winter smoothie uses warming foods that help to move the blood and the Qi (Chi) of the body, keeping us warm while offering balance to the nature of  the cold season.

The bottomline is about creating balance and finding harmony within your system and your lifestyle. This smoothie represents the Modern Zen Warrior brand by transmitting Eastern Wisdom to our Western Minds, Culture and Lifestyle; blending knowledge of ancient times with modern culture. This is the essence of Yin Yang (perfect balance).


Hot Foods

Ginger Root


Warming Foods

Almond Milk

Ginger Root

Turmeric Root

Sweet Potato (I use baked for extra warmth but can use raw also)

Parley (can use for variety)

Beets (cooked or raw)


Dried Dates

Cinnamon Powder

Honey (I use local honey for extra immunity energy)

I personally add Stevia for extra sweetness

Cooling Food



Tofu (when cooked can lean towards a neutralizing food- steaming is complimentary for smoothie use)

Other Ingredients to Play with

Hot Foods

Black Pepper, Cayenne Pepper, Chilli Pepper

Warming Foods

Oat Milk, Soy Milk

Carrot, Pumpkin


Clove Powder, Anise Extract, Nutmeg Powder

Basil, Dill, Rosemary, Fennel, Coriander

Cooked Quinoa, Cooked Oats

Alomnds, Pistachio Nut, PIne Nut, Chestnut

Cooling Foods

Celery, Cucumber, Broccoli, Any leafy Green, Pea

Apple, Mango, Watermelon, Pear, Pineapple


Peppermint, Mint

Have fun with your own smoothie creation playing around with various ingredient combinations from the above list. I’d love t hear about some of your creations!