3 Easy Ways to Try Out Veganism

More and more people are beginning to adopt a vegan diet, and for good reason! Vegan eating has loads of health benefits and really is not as hard as people think. My intent is not to convert anybody, of course, but if you’re interested, check out these simple tips to give veganism a try! 1. Try a vegan restaurant: There are many vegan restaurants out there, some newer than others. You may have heard of them, or maybe seen on the street, and you’ll be surprised by how “normal” many of the menu choices seem. Make sure to choose a restaurant that offers food you know you already like – it could be oriented towards cheesesteaks and French fries, Mexican food, or even fine dining! Some of my favorite vegan restaurants in Philly include: Hip City Veg, Soy Café, Blackbird Pizzeria, Charlie was a Sinner, Bar Bombán, and Bareburger. http://hipcityveg.com/menu/ http://www.mysoycafe.com/ http://www.blackbirdpizzeria.com/menu http://charliewasasinner.com/ http://barbombon.com/ https://www.bareburger.com/menu/ 2. Try a day of eating only vegan! You may find it difficult, or you may find it much easier than you thought! Maybe you’ll love it, or maybe you’ll hate it! Adopting a vegan diet for just a day is a way see what exactly the diet is like, whether you decide to try it again or not. 3. Try vegan products! Head to the grocery store and look for (and try) a vegan protein bar, a vegan frozen burger, a vegan snack, a vegan prepared meal, and a vegan dessert.  You might even find that you enjoy some vegan foods more than the “original!”. You’ll be especially surprised by how easy and accessible these products are. Oreos, a vegan cookie, are one of the easiest products to find in any basic grocery store! By purchasing Oreos instead of Chips Ahoy chocolate chip cookies, you’ve followed the vegan “guidelines.”